NRLM is presently working in 1009 blocks in an ‘intensive’ mode. Of these, 50 blocks are being developed as resource blocks to create local human and social capital (IoPs, internal Community Resource Persons (CRPs) etc.) that would support in implementing NRLM in other blocks. The implementation in resource blocks is supported by National Resource Organisations (NROs) such as SERP (AP), Jeevika (Bihar), Kudumbashree (Kerala) etc. In about 50 blocks, NRLM is partnering with existing Federations and NGOs to saturate the block. In the remaining intensive blocks, the NRLM is fielding its field implementation teams.
NRLM’s presence in the remaining blocks in the country, referred as non-intensive blocks, is limited to the extent of supporting the existing mobilization, strengthening the existing institutions, providing revolving fund and bank linkages, and taking up other activities in a limited way.