The Society is governed by board of Governing Council and Executive Council as under:
A. Governing Council:
Chairman : Chief Secretary
Vice Chairman: Addl. Chief Secy. i/c of Finance Dept.
Members : Principal Secy./Commissioner Secretaries of; Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary, Industries, Labour, Education, Health & Family Welfare, Social Welfare, Fisheries, Planning, Sericulture & Weaving, Director of NERC, Director of SIRD, State Level Representative of RBI & NANARD, Convener-SLBC, CEO-LIFCOM, PD-MRDS & NERCORMP, CEO-MSRLS, Representative of MORD and representative of SHGs/Federations.
Convener : Commissioner& Secretary, C&RD dept.
B. Executive Council:
Chairperson : Principal Secretary, C&RD dept.
Members : Commissioner & Secy. of Soil & Water Conservation, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary, Agriculture, Industries, Labour, Education, Health & Family Welfare, Social Welfare, Fisheries, Planning and Sericulture & Weaving, Director-NERC, Director-SIRD, Convener-SLBC, CEO-LIFCOM, PD-MRDS & NERCORMP, representative of SHGs/Federations.
Convener : State Mission Director/ CEO