The Project Implementing Agency (PIA) under MKSP is expected to follow the below mentioned strategy:
Use of locally adopted, resource conserving, knowledgecentric,farmer-led and environment-friendly technologies;
Coordinated action by communities and community based institutions such as the women self help groups, their federations, NGOs and farmer groups, farm schools, farmer field schools and others;
Inculcating community mobilization skills among women in agriculture thereby demonstrating and articulating the benefits of the sustainable agricultural methods to them;
The MKSP will enhance the skill base of the women in Agriculture to enable them to pursue their livelihoods on a sustainable basis. Capacity building of women and skill upgradation through handholding, formal and vocational courses will be emphasized;
The MKSP will strategize in a manner to target the Poorest of the Poor and most vulnerable women such as SC/ST,minorities, landless and the Primitive Tribal Groups;
While identifying the target group, priority should be given to women-headed households (single women), resource poor households, and women groups engaged in Agriculture and allied activities (promotion, production, processing and marketing);
Participatory approaches and bottom up planning will constitute the core values of the MKSP.